It has now been one year since I closed the shop in North Fitzroy. I miss that beautiful creation of mine and all the insightful, joyful people who I was blessed to connect with. Once the rising damp was discovered in the building and COVID hit, I was grateful to be guided by the universe and several customers who led me to experts in the field. It was then a smooth ending to the beautiful shop.
It may seem like I have been quiet, but my tea company SpiritualiTEA and this Tea Empress are back to full health and ready to share the tea. That is actual tea, not what my teenagers refer to as sharing the tea ie gossip. There are 25,000 cups of tea consumed every second -about 2.16 billion cups per day. Lots of opportunities for a healing in a tea cup with SpiritualiTEA.
In a nutshell over the last year I have..... relocated the shop and tea blending to my home, had a skin cancer removed from my face (all clear), experienced lockdown in Melbourne with 3 teenagers, moved house therefore relocating the shop and tea blending again, grew my online teashop with a dash of SpiritualiTEA, had emergency surgery for a ginormous ovarian cyst that wanted out and here we are today. I am back to full health now.
I wanted to share what lockdown offered me. The opportunity to embark on an online course called The Science of Well-Being. It is a course on the science of happiness. In 2018 a class called Psychology and the Good Life was created by Yale Professor Laurie Santos and it became the most popular in the history of Yale. It is offered with Coursera and it is free.
It was such a motivating and insightful experience and truly the best thing I could have done during that time. I am a Naturopath so I like the science of nutrition and herbs, but I am also an Alchemist who enjoys working with energy to create. This course teaches you the science behind happiness which incorporates such techniques as Meditation and Gratefulness. The course allows you to build more productive habits into your daily life and you learn annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. Following the weekly assessments you then incorporate a new technique into your life. I started daily meditation. I had struggled with my aim for 4 times a week or every second day so I decided to make myself accountable and to reap the most and go daily. I completed 100 days of meditation before I ended up in hospital. I was super proud and I have started again, up to day 14.
This course offers the insights and knowledge but you have to do the work. It is fun work though and I truly recommend giving it a go.
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