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Tarot Tips

Cheryl Brady

Updated: Feb 8, 2022

I owned many, many packs of Oracle Cards before I was drawn to a set of Tarot cards. Now I use my Tarot cards daily to check in on the energy for the day. Actually I owned one pack of Oracle cards for years before I found out it was ok to have more than one set of cards.

As with all Spiritual Tools, you need to be guided by your own intuition. If any of my tips, don't feel right, don't use them. There is no right or wrong way to use the cards. As you are the reader of the cards, it is your interpretation and intuition that is guiding the reading. I have personally collected these tips along the way. I was asked often at my teashop The Tea Empress, for tips on using Tarot cards so finally I have put them here to share with you.

Don't forget Smith

The deck that is commonly referred to in Tarot, is the Rider Waite Smith deck. I think it is important when referring to these cards that we don't forget Smith. Pamela Coleman Smith was the artist that drew the magnificent pictures that we see today in Tarot cards. Her illustrations in collaboration with A.E. Waite were printed by the Rider Company, hence the commonly referred to name Rider Waite or Rider Waite Smith. It is Smith's illustrations that have been adapted for different themed cards over the years.

Finding Your Cards

Choosing your cards is an important step. Once you find your cards, you will know. You will be drawn to them, the cards will be easy to read and you will see stories in the cards. Personally I only work with one set of Tarot cards but I have about 20 sets of Oracle Cards. Whenever I pick up other Tarot cards, I can't read them and refer back to my cards.

I have heard that you shouldn't buy your own cards they should be gifted to you. I personally don't follow this method. I am more than happy to be gifted cards but will buy them for myself too.

A Home for Your Cards

I like to use my cards daily hence I don't pack them away. I want easy access and I leave the card of the day at my desk so I can be reminded of the energy of the day. I do like to keep them in a bag with crystals though. To keep them cleansed and connected to source. I like Selenite, Kyanite, Angelite and Apophyllite.

Shuffling to open your intuition

When I was first taught Tarot I was told to shuffle from left to right as left is your intuition hence when shuffling this way you are opening your intuition. When first shuffling this way it feels unnatural and new but with time it become second nature. For me it was all part of the new experience that I then related to shuffling Tarot cards hence I continue that way.

Upside Down

I am a Virgo so I like my cards all the same way in the deck. Hence for me if a card appears upside down / reversed it is really telling me something and I take note of that cards reverse meaning.

Bottom Card / Overriding Energy

Something I have always done intuitively is look a the bottom card of the deck, as an overall energy over the reading. I don't do this for one card readings but for past, present, future or my full spread I do.

Not for you...Pass them on

If you aren't feeling connected to your cards (Tarot or Oracle) and you know you won't be using them, pass them on. Let someone else enjoy them and ensure their messages are being received. There are several Facebook groups that swap and sell used cards.

Most importantly for any Tarot Card reading....How does the card make you feel?

How the card makes you feel, sense and see, is how you interpret the cards. The cards are simply flashcards to your intuition. Hence your interpretation is the right one.

Enjoy tapping into your Intuition with Tarot cards.

I would love to hear any of your Tarot tips in the comments.

As always, please reach out if you have any questions.


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